Our means of combating viruses are limited, but scientists continue to seek ways to curb the pandemic. And chemistry is at the forefront of this search.
Our means of combating viruses are limited, but scientists continue to seek ways to curb the pandemic. And chemistry is at the forefront of this search.
SIBUR’s CEO Mikhail Karisalov talks to Kommersant about the impact of the pandemic and the OPEC+ deal on the markets.
On 17 July 2020, SIBUR celebrates its 25th anniversary.
The WEF website has published an article by Dmitry Konov, Chairman of SIBUR's Management Board, about COVID-19 and plastic problem.
Falling prices will not drive up the demand, lifted restrictions will not return the consumption levels, and lower GDP will not stagnate the market.
With the pandemic in full swing, demand for chemical products in 2020 is dwindling.
The COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions slashed global oil demand. In March 2020, oil prices saw the largest drop since the 2008 financial crisis.
Alexander Ladan, Director of Neo-Pack, talks about the current trends in the packaging market in the context of the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the global economy and disrupted the waste, plastic, and recycling industries.
The epidemic is an additional incentive to set up advanced production facilities in Russia.
In 2020, the petrochemical industry will be the key driver of non-commodity exports.
A glance at medical plastic use and recycling.