by Mikhail Karisalov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Chief Operating Officer of SIBUR.

Dear Clients, Partners,

What you hold in your hands is the third issue of SIBUR-to-Clients, which focuses on the concept of Circular Economy. In January, Switzerland’s Davos hosted the World Economic Forum, where 40 international industry leaders signed up for the three-year New Plastics Economy initiative that aims to promote global plastics recycling.

Contrary to the popular belief (which permeates even our industry), Circular Economy is not associated with new risks; quite the opposite – it brings about new opportunities for producers of polymers and polymer-based solutions. According to the Circular Economy principles, the environmental friendliness of a product is measured by its cumulative impact on the environment throughout the product's life cycle, including production, use and disposal. Polymers are produced fr om inorganic materials – oil and gas by-products, which would otherwise be burnt and contribute to environmental pollution. Plastics are much lighter than glass, metal, stone, wood and other materials, requiring less fuel for transportation purposes. In addition, polymers are 100% recyclable. The polymer revolution bodes incredibly well for the environment, and this new type of economy is poised to fully unlock the material's potential.

Yet, plastics recycling is a really burning issue nowadays, and it can only be dealt with through joint efforts of the government, society and the business community. It is up to them to implement an effective system of separate waste collection. This is a monumental task that should include awareness-raising initiatives. We can put our money wh ere our mouth is and demonstrate the environmental efficiency of polymers. For example, SIBUR is actively working to change product properties in the films segment. Lower film thickness and weight combined with the traditional consumer characteristics of the product will allow our Clients to decrease their future environmental charges and achieve greater ecological efficiency.

We are always open to collaboration on environmental protection and end-product recycling.

If you have any questions, suggestions and opinions (including critical comments), do not hesitate to email them to

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