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  1. SIBUR features on the TV channel Nauka 2.0

    ... more about them by watching Green Chemistry, which aired on Nauka 2.0, a TV channel dedicated to science. In the show, both subject matter experts and hands-on practitioners talk about the different technologies that will help humankind to prevent an environmental crisis and reduce our environmental impact. One of these technologies is plastic recycling, which allows us to extend the life of polymers, reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill, and cut our carbon footprint. Employees from the SIBUR ...

  2. Green business

    Can eco-friendliness be economically beneficial? A talk with Lev Gorilovsky, President of the POLYPLASTIC Group. Nowadays, environmentalism is a key opportunity for successful business. What does this mean for POLYPLASTIC and how are you implementing this in practice? As Russia's largest producer of polymer pipes and engineering systems, it is crucial for us to think about ...

  3. Interlakokraska 2020

    ... production facilities in Russia continue to be underutilised, with the country well-placed to ramp up its output going forward. Speech delivered by Victoria Chernova, Development Director at Chem-Courier. A change of heart towards environmental issues in the industry is signalled by the rising popularity of coatings made from water soluble materials, with both interior and exterior fit-out solutions becoming increasingly eco-friendlier. The majority of paint and coating producers ...

  4. SIBUR’s 2025 Strategy

    SIBUR’s Board of Directors has approved the 2025 Sustainable Development Strategy. The Strategy identifies five key focus areas: Responsible Business, Environment, Society and Partnership, Sustainable Product Portfolio, and Climate Impact Mitigation. SIBUR intends to annually reduce LTIF (Lost Time Injury Frequency) by 5% for its employees and contractors, at least double the share of women ...

  5. Myths and misconceptions about plastics

    ... bag is greener and less harmful” In fact, the life of a paper bag is very short, as it is almost never reused due to “fragility”. Once in a landfill, it decomposes, becoming one of the reasons for the release of various gases harmful to both the environment and human health. Manufacture of paper bags entails severe environmental pollution — pulp and paper mills pollute water sources and consume large amounts of water. According to the Scottish Report (2005) and Eco Bilan Carrefour Life Cycle ...

  6. From banning to recycling

    ... regions are now imposing restrictive measures on the use of flexible polymer packaging that, in certain cases, may go as far as a complete ban. The authors of the study on Flexible Polymeric Packaging believe that such measures do not bring any meaningful environmental benefits, as evidenced by international case studies. For example, California has seen a sharp increase in sales of 15 and 30 litre plastic garbage bags that are now replacing plastic bags fr om stores. The ban has led to greater ...

  7. SIBUR in partnership with Meduza

    ... waste, including plastics, is, however, something that Russians are finding difficult to get accustomed to. According to Greenpeace, 94% of all waste remains unsorted and is sent to landfill. The problem of MSW production has not only activists and environmental organisations, but also large companies worried. For instance, The Coca-Cola Company plans to fully switch to recyclable packaging by 2025, and fr om 2030 the company promises to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle and can ...

  8. Electric car made from recycled waste

    Dutch scientists have presented an unusual concept for an electric car made from recycled plastic. A team of scientists from the Eindhoven University of Technology has developed Luca, a sports EV model that would be built using recycled ocean plastic. According to the team, the project is designed not only to reuse materials that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill or incinerator, but also to show that waste can be a valuable resource. The idea is to use as many different types...

  9. Microplastics we cannot see

    ... the scientific literature in 2004 by British researcher Richard Thompson, outlining the global problem of plastic waste evaluation in his article. Since 2014, the number of scientific publications on the effects of microscopic polymer fragments in the environment has surged to reach hundreds of papers every year. Also, the problem of microplastic pollution has drawn the attention of media and environmental activists, as the discovery of microplastics exacerbated the overall problem of plastic pollution ...

  10. The EU’s recycling roadmap

    The EU has set a goal of recycling 10 mt of plastic per year by 2025. The lengthy declaration and its commitments for reaching the EU target, set by the European Strategy for Plastics, were presented and adopted at an event in Brussels, Belgium, today (20 September). The alliance, made up of public and private stakeholders in plastics value chains, is part of the Commission’s efforts to reduce littering of plastics, to increase the volume of plastic material that is recycled, and to stimulate market...

  11. Myths about plastic

    ... less fuel thanks to their little weight, thus reducing CO2 emissions by 60% compared to the same quantity of glass bottles. Light plastic containers result in less fuel used during transportation. Myth No. 2. Plastics manufacturing harms the environment Plastic products are made fr om raw NGL obtained by processing associated petroleum gas (APG), a by-product of oil production, which is otherwise burnt off in gas flares. APG flaring is responsible for 12% of Russia’s air emissions. Petrochemical ...

  12. The Fixies on plastics

    SIBUR helps release a new episode of popular animated series The Fixies. As a committed member of the Responsible Care initiative and a major polymer producer, SIBUR makes every effort to promote environmentally friendly products and the principles of circular economy. Proper disposal and recycling can make plastics one of the most eco-friendly materials today. To tell children about responsible use of plastic, SIBUR took part in the production ...

  13. Not a ban but a call for recycling

    SIBUR comments on Rospotrebnadzor's proposal to cut plastic bag production. In October, Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare) proposed to restrict production of single-use plastic bags. The draft amendments to the Federal Law On Production and Consumption Wastes are in progress. The initiative will eventually force manufacturers to cut down production and encourage consumers to reuse plastic bags. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor suggests that biodegradable...

  14. Dmitry Konov’s interview to Snob magazine

    Dmitry Konov talks about the importance of responsible use of plastic and the type of professionals that Russia is currently lacking. What is your company doing to protect the environment? To what extent are these measures aligned with global standards? What is the outlook? Responsible consumption and production are something we view as SIBUR’s key priorities and the cornerstone of building a circular economy within our ...

  15. The basic premise of circular economy

    ... way in the circular economy. The EU follows its Europe 2020 strategy which aims at smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, supported by a roadmap for the efficient use of natural resources, and which assumes that the footprint on world resources and environmental protection are key to drive economic growth going forward. Europe also pursues the 7th European Environment Action Programme which is set to turn the European Union into a resource-efficient, green, and competitive low-carbon economy. The ...