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  1. Crisis management plan: Agile + Digital

    ... models. Overall digital adoption is almost universal, even in countries that had been cautious about shopping online prior to the COVID-19 crisis. Consumers are moving online. To reach them and gain their loyalty, companies have to go there, too. Industry 4.0 The role of technology in life and in business will continue to grow. Many executives reported that they moved 20 to 25 times faster than they thought possible on the adoption of IT tools. In the past, it has taken a decade or longer for ...

  2. Next generation leaders

    ... looking for business opportunities to deal with important challenges faced by humanity. The authors of the new study identified four leadership personas capable of enhancing efficiency in an era of change and uncertainty driven by the transition to Industry 4.0 (production and business changes brought about by the mass implementation of cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, etc.). “Our research has uncovered four distinct types of leaders succeeding in Industry 4....