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  1. Anti-crisis digital technology

    A few years ago, SIBUR launched a large-scale digital transformation programme to upgrade its production and business processes. Amid the pandemic, digital instruments have become much more popular. IIoT: accurate and safe One of the Company’s digitalisation projects is the industrial internet of things (IIoT), which has been rolled out at our sites in Tobolsk, Voronezh and Tomsk. Last year, for instance, 190 proprietary ExT sensors were installed at ZapSibNeftekhim to monitor the temperature of...

  2. Dmitry Medvedev visits SIBUR

    Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting on digitalisation and industrial safety at SIBUR. On 23 October, SIBUR’s corporate centre hosted a meeting to discuss implementation of digital tools to enhance safety at complex production facilities and facilitate control and oversight mechanisms. The task primarily applies to large facilities where the safety and risk management issue is particularly pressing. Specifically, it is relevant to the production and processing of coal, oil and gas, which are complex...

  3. Digitizing dairy in China

    The Chinese company’s CEO shares insights about the digitalisation of the Chinese dairy industry. Twenty kilometers outside of central Beijing sits the sprawling headquarters of China Mengniu Dairy, China’s second-largest dairy company. It might not boast the same glossy exterior as China’s colossal technology companies’ campuses, and CEO Jeffrey, Minfang Lu admits that the dairy industry suffers fr om a less-than-innovative image, but behind modest doors lies a rapidly modernizing business. ...