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  1. The right to leadership

    ... phrases like “Oh, it was nothing”, “no big deal”, “well I did this, but I didn’t do that”. Stop taking everything on. Accept praise with dignity: (“Thanks! I’m glad you noticed. I worked hard on it.”) Express emotions about your achievements more directly, especially when it comes to pride and gratitude. This could be something like: “I’m very proud about how the plan came together”, or “I’m thankful for the excellent opportunity to grow the business and attract new ...

  2. A Drive to Succeed

    Roman Muzyka, Marketing and Sales Director at BIAXPLEN, on choosing the right path in life and things that keep him going. About persistence I was born and raised in the Urals, spending my childhood and adolescence in Kamensk-Uralsky and student years fr om 1993 to 1998 in Yekaterinburg. Thanks to my abilities and persistence, I was eligible for a government-funded tuition and graduated fr om the Department of Economics and Management at the Ural State University with a degree in corporate foreign...

  3. The era of petrochemical discoveries

    ... marketing new and unprecedented products and will always be able to meet the needs of our economy.” SLT AQUA: “We are confident that SIBUR’s products and solutions will be able to meet most of the domestic needs.” Netkanika: “The Company’s achievements in 25 years are great! Even now, SIBUR delivers superior results against all odds. SIBUR is an example of a sustainable, forward-thinking and competitive business. We believe that SIBUR will grow much bigger to lead the way in the petrochemical ...