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  1. Macroeconomics in Russia

    Soaring gas prices could result in between USD 20 billion and USD 100 billion in extra revenue for Russia in 2022. In the base case scenario, the rouble will strengthen moderately against the US dollar and more significantly against the euro. Oil prices will remain high due to the extension of the OPEC+ deal and low inventories at the end of 2021. Domestic factors "+" National Wealth Fund investments. The investments of Russia’s National Wealth Fund (NWF) are capped ...

  2. Polymer Prices

    After a long rally, a fall, then a bounce? How oil prices will change and how adjacent markets will react. In early December, the cost of Brent crude oil fell below USD 68 per barrel on the ICE in London, having dropped by almost 10% on the first day of the month on the back of the US decision to ...

  3. A jab for the economy

    ... fell. Although supply also declined on the back of lockdowns in key producing regions, there were also plenty of surpluses, which led to further sell-side pressure on prices. “At first, we saw a sharp drop in the demand and price for raw materials: oil, steel, non-ferrous metals, fertilisers and so on. But this was only temporary, as production quickly started back up again, operating in compliance with all COVID measures and restrictions,” says Ksenia Lapshina, an analyst at QBF Portfolio Management....

  4. The OPEC report

    The COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions slashed global oil demand. In March 2020, oil prices saw the largest drop since the 2008 financial crisis. The OPEC shared its findings on the hydrocarbon market in its April report. In this situation, the term structure of all three crude benchmarks moved to a super ...

  5. Oil demand is declining

    But according to OPEC, oil will remain the largest energy source until 2040. The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has published its annual World Oil Outlook providing a detailed medium-term (until 2024) and long-term (until 2040) oil market analysis. OPEC ...