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  1. SIBUR will host a webinar "Ensuring company's stability in the new framework"

    ... SIBUR, which uses a rather wide range of imported components in its operations», says Head of the Technical Service of Petrochemical Business Function Alexander Bushkov. «However, we have a clear understanding of all the associated risks to us and our customers. At the outset, we have launched the so-called crisis response program that will enable us to promptly adjust to the new reality, avoid shutdowns and minimize any potential negative impacts. This will be the focus of the webinar». ...

  2. SIBUR Business Practices

    ... helping you to sort out the information you have already learnt. The New and Recommended markers will help you find the most up-to-date and relevant programmes. Partner Expertise With our new Partner Expertise project, we invite all customers to try themselves as the platform’s speakers. If your company has interesting practices or approaches you would like to share, feel free to join us! For all questions on the Partner Expertise project write to ...

  3. 5th wave of customer satisfaction survey

    We would like to thank our partners for participating in the annual customer satisfaction survey. The B2B market that SIBUR operates in relies on high technology and close interaction with producers and customers. Customer needs and feedback always matter to SIBUR, encouraging the Company to gauge customer satisfaction annually. In September to November 2019, SIBUR held its regular poll as part of the 5th wave of the survey. Just like in previous ...

  4. SIBUR meets its Chinese customers

    SIBUR hosted a customer event in Hangzhou (China) to promote Zapsibneftekhim products. With the launch of Zapsibneftekhim petrochemical facility, Sibur is looking to expand its footprint in China. To showcase new products and advance its brand, SIBUR held an event in Hangzhou for PP and PE consumers from different industries. The event attracted over 150 companies, including 55 major end consumers. The participants had an opportunity to learn more about applications and benefits of Zapneftekhim...

  5. Chemistry of Life

    SIBUR’s new educational site for employees, customers and partners. Today’s business relations do not boil down to the exchange of goods and services. You can keep such relations strong by sharing non-material goods, like knowledge. That is the goal of Chemistry of Life. For us, the ...

  6. SIBUR Business Practices

    SIBUR Business Practices: a year after launch. On 13 March 2019, SIBUR launched a free platform to educate its partners on its best practices that have a proven track record of success. Since the launch, over 1,200 SIBUR’s customers have registered for the platform, with over 1,100 of them trained by now. The training is very popular among the Company’s employees as well, with more than 1,300 joining it this year. Accessible from every corner of the globe, the online ...

  7. Pioneers of recycling

    ... launched back in 1997. What is the current state of your segment in the packaging market? What are the main trends and development patterns? Packaging is becoming more advanced and easy to use. We seek to pursue a tailored approach to our customers, so we design unique packaging and closures to offer solutions for everyone. In doing so, we rely, among other things, on our partnership with SIBUR, as our joint projects are essential to unlocking new business solutions. However, the core ...

  8. Packaged in Russia

    ... posing a risk of market distortions. We take it as a threat and do our best to counter it. In what way? We ramp up production. The higher it is, the easier it will be to survive. We invent new technological features and strive to integrate with our customers and suppliers as closely as possible. The changing market forces us to constantly develop and improve. Conflex production site. What innovative solutions do you offer to your customers? Conflex engineers are in a permanent ...

  9. Authorised supplier

    ... products, agrotextiles, and construction fabrics) were developed by SIBUR’s team at the Tomsk site in cooperation with NIOST experts. Products made from these fibres meet the market's environmental requirements and are recyclable. “We are open to customers and strive to make them more aware of what our production process looks like, what we do to ensure quality, and how we handle customer requests,” said Lyudmila Kuzmina, Head of Customer Technical Support at Tomskneftekhim. Gexa’s ...

  10. Green light to sustainability

    ... business has its purposes guiding it throughout its lifetime. Profit making and business development are, perhaps, the most essential. That is obvious, and we at Conflex share this view. Our packaging has made its way into 15 food and FMCG segments. All customers want to pay less without compromising quality or aesthetics. One might think that this should always encourage packaging companies to cut costs and pay little attention to anything but the main purpose of their business. That is not the case ...

  11. Industry as a single interconnected organism

    ... is why we are highly valued by our clients. Some of them have been with us for over 25 years. Our industry is a single interconnected organism, so it is crucial to hear everybody’s voice. A few years ago, we began to arrange special events for customers, and we are planning to carry on with that initiative going forward. At such events, we can have some casual discussions to get a better understanding of our customers’ business models and plans for the future. We also actively promote our ...