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  1. Technology innovations for our customers

    ... with two proprietary hardware/software solutions geared around AR and IIoT. SIBUR announced a large-scale digital transformation programme in 2017. Digital solutions began to be rolled out across almost all areas of the Company’s activities. Many big data, machine learning, digital development and communication technologies solutions were launched locally at SIBUR’s production sites in 2019. As early as 2020, the economic impact of digitising business processes amounted to RUB 8 billion, while ...

  2. The workday has become longer since the pandemic

    Since shifting to work from home, Muscovites have been working up to ten hours a day. Insights from big data gained by MTS analysts suggest that since starting to work from home, Muscovites have been putting in up to ten hours a day. Their findings are published on the AdIndex website. “We have been slower to get down to work after waking up but are ...

  3. Digitizing dairy in China

    The Chinese company’s CEO shares insights about the digitalisation of the Chinese dairy industry. Twenty kilometers outside of central Beijing sits the sprawling headquarters of China Mengniu Dairy, China’s second-largest dairy company. It might not boast the same glossy exterior as China’s colossal technology companies’ campuses, and CEO Jeffrey, Minfang Lu admits that the dairy industry suffers fr om a less-than-innovative image, but behind modest doors lies a rapidly modernizing business. ...

  4. New reality

    Digital Transformation, SIBUR’s project aimed at preparing for the fourth industrial revolution, keeps updating the Company’s portfolio of innovative technology ranging from big data to augmented reality (AR) glasses. According to Valerii Cherepanov, Head of Industry 4.0 at SIBUR, digital transformation breaks down into two focus areas. First is big data, in particular, to optimise performance of equipment. Predictive ...