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  1. Russian SBS polymers for the road building industry

    Review of Russian road building industry and SIBUR’s SBS development. Over 30 years of common history for the Russia road building industry and SIBUR’s SBS development SIBUR’s business is primarily oriented towards the requirements of processing companies and end users. The company is developing new product solutions with unique parameters to solve customized tasks. 2021 key success stories of SIBUR in SBS development ...

  2. How the green agenda improves your bottom line

    ... authorities and consumers trust their findings. By manufacturing products with a certified environmental performance, we enable other industries and manufacturers to prove their commitment to high environmental standards with their actions. The third area is R&D. We understand that most of our production facilities are largely optimised, and that we have reached the technological limits. To go further, we need new technologies and innovations. We are not talking about developing any specific new products ...

  3. It is important to see shifts in demand

    ... to have their own packaging with characteristics that suit precisely their product. If before, when communicating with customers, we tended to speak only with procurement and engineers, now no negotiations are complete without marketing and R&D teams. We have stories where both directors and owners of companies took a most active role in deciding which packaging to choose. Like all market players, we are seeing growth in ready meals, ready-to-cook products, and delivery services. These are ...

  4. CIS Petrochemicals

    ... five-fold and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5% per tonne of production in gas processing and by 15% per tonne of product sold in the petrochemicals segment. Under its Sustainable Product Portfolio programme, SIBUR plans a 50% increase in investment in R&D projects aimed at polymer waste recycling and the use of renewable feedstocks. The next step is chemical recycling. SIBUR scientists are developing the thermolysis of mixed plastic waste and the chemical recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)....

  5. St Petersburg International Economic Forum

    ... Mikhail Karisalov participated in the discussion ‘Investment Attractiveness and Export Potential of Strategically Important Industries’. He believes that in the modern world one needs to sell a product as a process design solution, so SIBUR invests in R&D in Skolkovo, Tomsk, Tobolsk, thus adding value to export products as well. The new high capacities built in Russia (in Perm, cluster in Tobolsk, in Voronezh) has enabled full substitution of imports and made polymers a major component of the national ...

  6. SIBUR PolyLab receives accreditation

    ... may now feature the internationally-recognised Combined ILAC MRA Mark, meaning they will carry more weight abroad. SIBUR PolyLab managed to obtain the accreditation in just one year, even though the process usually takes three years for new R&D centres. This was made possible thanks to the consistent efforts of the research centre team: it arranged for the training of its employees in polymer material research at leading R&D centres and successfully implemented a quality management system ...

  7. “We export about 40% of our production”

    ... SIBUR. – How long has Padana Chemical Compounds been in business? What products does it prioritise today, and what sales markets does it cater to? – In 2019, the company celebrated its 20th anniversary. Over the years, thanks to our owned R&D laboratory, we have developed and launched the production and marketing of a wide range of high-tech PVC compounds. Our compounds are used in the production of cables and wires, industrial hoses, rigid and flexible profiles, seals, polymer films, ...

  8. New polyethylene grades

    SIBUR’s R&D centre has developed new LDPE grades to produce polymer packaging for infusion solutions used in COVID-19 treatment. Infusion therapy plays a major role in modern medicine. It is used in intensive care, surgery and treatment of infectious diseases....

  9. SIBUR launches new rubber grade

    Elastomers R&D Centre at SIBUR’s Voronezh site developed and launched a new grade of high-viscosity polybutadiene rubber (BR-ND HV) for tyres with enhanced end-user performance. The material was tested by a leading tyre manufacturer and approved for production....