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  1. Technology innovations for our customers

    ... to arrive; instead, they can set up an AR session and get immediate assistance.” Employees from SIBUR’s Technical Service function make full use of the benefits the product brings (Photo: Georgy Prutkovsky, AR Product Owner at SIBUR). PolyER was one of the first companies to try out all the functionality of our AR platform. SIBUR sent them its glasses while they were testing a new grade of polypropylene, allowing our advisers to be remotely present during the manufacturing of test ...

  2. AR for SIBUR’s customers

    ... when it was difficult for their specialists to come on a site visit. The Company provided us with a pair of high-tech glasses that allows their consultants to be remotely present for the tests,” commented Oleg Yakimov, Chief Production Engineer at PolyER, which manufactures food packaging and tapes made of PP, PET and PS for automated packaging and thermoforming lines. “SIBUR’s representatives were able to observe the tests with their own eyes and help our operator to set the process parameters....

  3. It is important to see shifts in demand

    Interview with Tatiana Vladimirova, Commercial Director of PolyER. – How did PolyER cope with the crisis caused by the pandemic? – In economic terms, we, of course, like everyone else, were not ready for such a shock. In the first months of the lockdown, some segments of the food industry were almost paralysed: ...

  4. Expert advice for exporters

    ... require not just rebuilding sales, but also redesigning most internal processes, including quality control and packaging. All the same, export contracts are in fact a serious incentive for business development. Asmik Mnatsakanian, Head of Export Sales at PolyER, which also ranks amongst some of the most successful exporters (the company has been exporting products for more than 10 years, to 28 countries): “Export is always interesting, but not easy and not fast. Difficulties include the high cost of ...

  5. Plastic packaging industry trends

    PolyER hosted a round-table discussion on plastic packaging. Plastic recycling challenges It was the first time a packaging manufacturer brought all stakeholders around the table. The attendees included feedstock suppliers, packaging manufacturers and ...