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  1. A green packaging solution

    SIBUR, O3 and Jokey launch a production line that will use packaging containing recycled plastic waste. SIBUR PolyLab, a research centre and developer of polymer recycling solutions, has completed the first stage of testing of plastic packaging containing ...

  2. Sustainable Development and ESG Indices

    ... restoration, the problems around building social and environmental management systems, as well as innovations which have the potential to reduce the environmental footprint of operations. During her presentation, Galina Khristoforova, Head of Environment at SIBUR, spoke about how a sustainability strategy was being implemented at her company. “In introducing its own sustainability strategy, SIBUR is focused above on its alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and on global best practices in ...

  3. SIBUR’s environmental successes

    ... eco-friendly production practices. The international agency Sustainalytics, which rates the performance of companies on managing environmental, social and governance-related risks (ESG risks), published its updated ESG risk ratings. The ratings suggest that SIBUR has improved its ESG risk level by 5.7 points over the year to 19.4 in 2021. Thus, SIBUR ranked among the top 1% of companies with the lowest ESG risk level within the Chemicals Industry Group – it includes 444 companies with an average risk level ...

  4. Business needs an open economy

    ... Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Maksim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development, Alexey Mordashov, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Severstal, and Dmitry Konov, Chairman of the Management Board at SIBUR Holding. Starting the discussion, Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev noted that an open economy is much more competitive than a closed one. When entering foreign markets, Russian exporters compete with international corporations, this makes them ...


    ... noticeable reduction in imports. But the competitiveness of Russian products depends primarily on quality standards, and the solution to this problem is linked to the supply of raw materials to the industry. As one of the largest suppliers of raw materials, SIBUR takes part in the exhibition each year. This year, the Salavat Petrochemical Complex (SNKhK), a joint venture between SIBUR and Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat, had a stand for the first time. Ksenia Kizovskaya, Chief Specialist at SIBUR’s Plastics ...

  6. A turbulent year with good results

    In an interview with TV channel Russia-24, Mikhail Karisalov spoke about the 2020 results. In an interview with TV channel Russia-24, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of SIBUR, Mikhail Karisalov, spoke about what helped the company to produce some of the industry-leading financial and operating results for 2020, and also shared plans for 2021. “Thanks to the joint efforts of the SIBUR team, a challenging year ...

  7. Plastics reuse and recycling

    SIBUR and its partners are leading the recycled plastic charge. Recycling plastic as part of responsible production and consumption cycle is becoming a mark of civilised society around the world. According to the European Commission’s 2018 Strategy ...

  8. SIBUR International in China: growing stronger

    ... countries around the world. According to a worldwide McKinsey survey conducted in late 2020, CEOs from all over the world say that capability building is more valuable during the pandemic than ever (80% of respondents). The Chinese division of SIBUR International (SI) was one of the first to take the hit. However, a joint search for solutions and the SI team’s inherent readiness for challenges allowed them to not only survive a deep transformation but also to use the experience gained as ...

  9. “We export about 40% of our production”

    Vadim Babij, Owner and Managing Director, Padana Chemical Compounds, talks about the evolution of his company, his outlook for the industry and working with SIBUR. – How long has Padana Chemical Compounds been in business? What products does it prioritise today, and what sales markets does it cater to? – In 2019, the company celebrated its 20th anniversary. Over the years, thanks to our owned ...