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  1. Research results

    According to the annual survey results our clients commended their interaction with SIBUR. In October – January 2021, SIBUR conducted an annual study in which 681 customer representatives from the FMCG sector, chemical, construction, energy, automobile and other industries took part. The survey measured the NPS index (Net ...

  2. SIBUR’s export market strategy

    Interview with Andrey Frolov, Executive Director of SIBUR International. SIBUR started to scale up its international trading about a decade ago in parallel with the design of a new greenfield facility. Today, SIBUR International, SIBUR’s export arm, has four offices in China, an office in Vienna to ...

  3. China to lead global propylene capacity

    ... 2019 to 3 mtpa in 2030, with China contributing the most – 28% of capacity additions. In an interview with the RUPEC information and analytical centre at the end of December, Sergey Komyshan, Member of the Management Board – Executive Director at SIBUR, assessed the prospects of exporting Russian products to Asia: “Despite a slowdown in the Chinese economy, polymer consumption remains high. In the next decade, Asia will far outpace other markets in terms of consumption, growth rates and supply ...

  4. SIBUR-Neftekhim’s modernisation drive

    SIBUR’s Dzerzhinsk site has expanded its monoethylene glycol production capacity to 830 tonnes per day. SIBUR-Neftekhim has completed an upgrade of its ethylene oxide and glycol production facilities, ramping up its monoethylene glycol (MEG) capacity ...

  5. Digital Chemistry

    How digital tools are taking business to a new level. “In the petrochemical industry, the combination of economic impact with a long-term competitive edge comes from taking decisions based on data from both production and business processes,” SIBUR’s Director for Digital and Information Technologies, Alisa Melnikova, noted in a special issue of Chemical Week IHS Markit dedicated to SIBUR. In her opinion, through using tools that help make sound decisions based on analytics, the Company is ...

  6. RCU: “We stand for conscious consumption”

    ... chemical industry. The RCU Board also takes conceptually important decisions on the evolution of industry and chemistry, the key economic engines of Russia, which are then communicated to the government. Many Russian companies (in particular SIBUR, PhosAgro, Acron, Shchekinoazot, TOAZ and BSC) are already building up vocational training in their regions of operation, setting up specialised classes in advanced chemistry at schools, special educational centres for graduates of specialised universities,...

  7. Innovation in response to the pandemic

    ... and increasing its breathability. The increased demand for electret additives seen currently in the spunbond market is driven by stronger demand for “disinfection” of materials offering medical, filtering, and cleaning properties. What value do SIBUR’s feedstocks bring to the above described projects? Are there any plans to purchase more of them? We use SIBUR polypropylene to produce protective masks enhanced by electret additives. This product offers higher filtration performance and will ...

  8. “Plarus” upgraded equipment

    ... environment for the future of our children. Responsible approach to the conduct of business and adherence to the principles of the circular economy are our main priorities emphasizing that «Europlast» is a “green” company”, said in the interview “Sibur for clients” vice-president of the “Europlast” Enterprise Association Oleg Simkin.

  9. Plastic in 2021: consumption outlook

    ... consumption of polymer products, but this year demand will see a return to growth. “The global demand for polymers fell by 17 million tonnes in 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic”, explained Dmitry Konov, Chairman of the Management Board at SIBUR Holding, during a December meeting with President Vladimir Putin on the development of the Russian petrochemical industry. The reduction in the consumption had a knock-on effect on the industry’s operating rates, which stood at around 85% at the ...

  10. SIBUR’s new Counterparty Code of Business Conduct

    SIBUR has introduced a new document that strengthens the way it interacts with partners. Ethical business The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people live their lives and communities’ function, and how organisations conduct business. During ...

  11. A rally on the polymer market

    ... gain a price advantage on the domestic market compared with imports. But at the same time, export sales will become more profitable, and the deficit will grow in the domestic market,” the Finam analyst made sure to note. In sales of polymer products, SIBUR employs a market-based approach, i.e. uses transparent price indicators (price quotations for polymers), which reflect the balance of supply and demand not only in Russia, but globally too. At the same time, the company is continuing to meet the ...

  12. CSR: Investment in the future

    ... service fr om a company that donates to charity or supports local communities. “So, CSR is really becoming an important pre-requisite for doing business in Russia, which is quite encouraging,” concluded Maria Chertok. Participants of the SIBUR Formula for Good Deeds volunteer project planting nursery trees. Corporate social responsibility is a major consideration for consumers and investors alike, who use special ratings to gauge how seriously companies take it, with ESG ratings being ...


    ... supply ethane and LPG to Amur GCC to be processed into high value-added products. The completion of construction and commissioning is scheduled for mid-2024. Having obtained all the necessary approvals from the regulators of both countries, SIBUR and Sinopec closed the deal and set up a joint venture (JV) at the Amur Gas Chemical Complex (GCC). SIBUR and Sinopec will hold a 60% and 40% stake in the JV, respectively. In June 2019, the parties signed a term sheet for a potential joint venture....


    ... improve the plant’s energy efficiency and environmental performance. The event was attended by Artem Verkhovtsev, Deputy Chairman of the Voronezh Region’s Government; Alexander Petrov, Member of the Management Board – Managing Director at SIBUR; and Ilya Korzhenovsky, CEO of Voronezhsintezkauchuk. SIBUR presented the Government of the Voronezh Region with a flask of air as a testament to the plant’s green credentials. The high-tech unit treats exhaust air fr om rubber production and ...

  15. A case study in effective management

    ... national management competition. Dmitry Konov’s lecture for the participants of the Leaders of Russia competition was held as part of the initiative’s mentorship programme, and took place as a Q&A session. Those who attended were interested in the SIBUR Management Board Chairman’s personal experience in the operational management of his company, in strategic management, and HR management. Dmitry Konov started off his presentation by introducing the participants to ZapSibNeftekhim and ...