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61-75 of 99

  1. Sailing the Green

    ... Russian producers, the tendency towards building new and upgrading current plants, by means of installing high-end equipment and implementing technologies that reduce the carbon footprint tenfold is very promising in the field of environmental protection. SIBUR’s fully-fledged ZapSibNeftekhim and Amur Gas Chemical Complex currently under construction, as well as the active rollout of modernization measures, provide good examples of such decarbonization investments. SIBUR announced its plans to compensate ...

  2. Setting course for a green future

    Alexey Kozlov, Member of the Management Board and Managing Director at SIBUR, spoke at the National Sustainable Development Forum. The National Sustainable Development Forum is an annual conference held by the business daily Vedomosti. The event welcomed representatives from responsible Russian business, as well as experts ...

  3. New Reality of Management

    Mikhail Karisalov spoke about the impact of the pandemic on SIBUR’s development. At the end of May, the New Reality of Management forum held by Forbes Congress took place, focused on strategic leadership and effective HR management. Mikhail Karisalov, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of SIBUR, took ...

  4. Per aspera ad astra – Through hard work to victory

    ... ready to collaborate in the introduction of digital labelling together with our customers, as we see significant potential here. Over its 20-year market history, Conflex has time and time again won prestigious Russian and European awards. – SIBUR and Conflex have a long-standing business relationship. Can you tell us about this partnership? – We are excited to join many areas of partnership that SIBUR is offering. We participate in the Export School programme, in webinars, and organise ...

  5. SIBUR and TAIF are merging

    The new consolidated company will become one of the top-five global producers of polyolefin and rubber products. Under the terms of the merger, existing TAIF shareholders will receive a 15% stake in SIBUR in exchange for the transfer of a controlling interest in TAIF Group’s petrochemical and energy companies. The remaining stake in TAIF may be subsequently purchased by the combined company. The deal will be closed subject to completion of the ...

  6. Caring for the customer

    SIBUR has launched a complimentary customer data analysis project based on its own digital platform. Firstly, SIBUR specialists work with the customer to stand up a project team. This allows us both to immediately hit the ground running and get rapid ...

  7. Polymers during the construction boom times

    ... materials. It is quite natural for developers of construction technologies and manufacturers of materials to look for ways to cooperate. The Moscow State University of Civil Engineering hosted a meeting between representatives of the university and SIBUR employees in May. The meeting participants discussed the modern construction industry’s polymer needs and the various innovations that Russia’s largest petrochemical holding could provide. SIBUR sees new polymer products and technology solutions ...

  8. CIS Petrochemicals

    ... petrochemical industry post-pandemic and government economic support measures. Special attention was paid to the emerging decarbonisation trend in the industry and the digitalisation of petrochemical production. Global trends Ksenia Karetina, Head of SIBUR’s Analytical Centre, gave an overview of the global petrochemical market. The service sector and developed economies with a large service (tertiary) sector were among the most hard-hit by the pandemic. In the petrochemical industry, the timelines ...

  9. Investments in petrochemicals

    Petrochemical companies, SIBUR in particular, are in high demand for long-term investments. The oil & gas industry is experiencing its third price slump in 12 years. It weathered its first two crises well, however this time is different – we are seeing supply chain disruptions ...

  10. St Petersburg International Economic Forum

    SIBUR took part in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Top managers of SIBUR took part in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. During the panel discussions, participants of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum ...

  11. PRO Bitumen & PBBs: recap and outlook

    SIBUR and Gazprom Neft held the PRO Bitumen & PBBs cross-industry conference. The quality and safety of roads depend on the materials and technologies used to build them. For several years now, SIBUR and Gazprom Neft have been holding PRO Bitumen & ...

  12. SIBUR develops new polymer grade: Sibex 3DF

    SIBUR specialists have created a new polymer for use in fused deposition modelling (FDM). In order to broaden the scope of FDM 3D printing to include functional parts, SIBUR specialists have developed a new polymer grade that overcomes the downsides ...

  13. “Planet Earth. See You Tomorrow”

    ... a new documentary by Valdis Pelsh titled “Planet Earth. See You Tomorrow”. The documentary “Planet Earth. See You Tomorrow” sponsored by State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom is dedicated to technologies of the future. Georg Wiessmeier, SIBUR’s Head of R&D and Innovation, took part in the production. In his opinion, the evolving technologies will let people forget the functionality of materials in the past. For example, it will be possible to recycle plastic waste into high-quality ...

  14. Expert advice for exporters

    Export Development as a Driver for Company Growth video conference was held on the SIBUR Business Practices platform. Support and subsidies from the state Russia’s exports have been expanding significantly in recent years, and the potential in this segment of the economy is huge. Unlike commodity supplies, non-commodity exports ...

  15. Trends in the packaging market in 2021

    Development trends in the Russian and international packaging market were discussed on the similarly-named SIBUR Business Practices webinar platform. According to the speaker, the macroeconomic trends in the global plastics market remain unchanged: the global recession, trade wars, environmental concerns, urbanization and de-globalization. If we try to classify ...