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31-45 of 56

  1. Working amid a bevy of black swans

    Following the pandemic, the demand for packaging has been on the rise, with quality, safety and affordable price coming to the fore. Alexander Ladan, Director of Neo-Pack (SIBUR’s partner), talks about the current trends in the market. How did the pandemic-related restrictions affect your company? What challenges did you encounter? Neo-Pack produces packaging ...

  2. POLYPLASTIC invests in polymer recycling

    POLYPLASTIC Group has bought the necessary equipment and launched a two-stage re-granulation line that allows it to recycle up to 600 t of polymers a month. The production line that is outfitted with fine melt filtration systems cleans the incoming material by filtering out particulates,...

  3. Stronger demand for additives

    ... of materials with antimicrobial and antifungal properties. This translated into stronger demand for Finaguard AM, an additive by International Plastic Guide for polymer production. Organic-based, it contains no heavy metals or other hazardous substances and provides extra protection and a hygiene barrier. The additive can be used by companies manufacturing nonwoven materials employed in surgical masks and other medical products. When added to PVC food films, Finaguard AM acts not only against bacteria ...

  4. Green business

    Can eco-friendliness be economically beneficial? A talk with Lev Gorilovsky, President of the POLYPLASTIC Group. Nowadays, environmentalism is a key opportunity for successful business. What does this mean for POLYPLASTIC and how are you implementing this in practice? As Russia's largest producer of polymer pipes and engineering systems, it is crucial for us to think about the environment and what exactly we will be ...

  5. Development path

    Andrey Khabibulin, CEO of Europolymer-Trading, talks about how the company is navigating the polymer materials market, export and import trends, and import substitution, as well as about its cooperation with SIBUR. What is Europolymer Group like today and what are its ...

  6. New product promotion

    ... drawing on proposals fr om employees, domestic and international market trends, new technologies and so on. These ideas are screened and analysed to sel ect the most promising and viable ones. This is a crucial stage, as it underpins the future product concept. What criteria are you looking at when assessing the ideas? We evaluate the market and competition, our production capacities and feedstock availability, product’s profit potential and introduction timeline, as well as possible risks and many ...

  7. Pigment's digitalisation

    Case study: Pigment, a chemical producer. For a modern chemical company, the use of new technologies plays a great part in achieving success. The industry calls for constant improvement of production, R&D and commercial processes. Pigment, a chemical company in Tambov, is adopting digital ...

  8. Innovative bitumens for South America

    Gazprom Neft provided bitumen for the construction of the largest highway in South America Gazprom Neft, one of SIBUR’s key partners, supplied polymer-bitumen binders (PBBs) to the Bi-oceanic Corridor Project, the largest infrastructure venture in Latin America. The highway will connect the west and east coasts of the South American continent into the wider integrated transport network. Innovative bitumens manufactured by Gazprom Neft’s ...

  9. EO supplies set to double

    SIBUR plans to start supplying twice as much ethylene oxide (EO) to Sintez OKA Group. SIBUR-Neftekhim ships around 30 ktpa of ethylene oxide to the plant in Dzerzhinsk. The parties are now discussing a potential uptick in deliveries to 60 ktpa to match Sintez OKA Group’s ambition ...

  10. The goal is to grow with the markets

    Tatiana Serova, CEO of International Plastic Guide, talks about additives for the production and processing of polymers and their role in dealing with plastic waste. What are the key focus areas of International Plastic Guide? Who are your main clients? We specialise ...

  11. Global expertise in polymer foaming

    Skolkovo hosted a lecture by an international expert in foamed polymers. Organised by International Plastic Guide, the event aimed to acquaint Russian manufacturers with international best practices in polymer foaming. Professor Chul B. Park from the University of Toronto shared his knowledge and unique competencies in this area. Russian companies can benefit from new approaches to the use of gas-filled polymers to develop innovative materials ...

  12. Anti-counterfeit labelling

    ... development of individual sectors and industry as a whole". In polymer pipework, one example is subpar products made by dishonest companies from ersatz non-GOST-compliant materials or recycled waste, such as bottles or other packaging. Compliance certificates for products like those are often fake. According to the Pipeline Systems Manufacturers Association (PSMA), about 30% of pressure pipes available in the market are counterfeits. The Foundation for Development of Tube Industry (FRTP) estimates ...

  13. Plastic packaging industry trends

    ... new trends entail significant costs and limitations for businesses, yet, manufacturers need to explore new horizons to fit in with the high-tech development. Shifting to a circular economy can indeed be an effective answer. Vladimir Rush, CEO of PolyER, giving a welcome speech. According to Denis Penshin, Chief Expert at SIBUR's Sustainable Development, packaging companies have already confirmed their readiness to make their products more environmentally friendly. Yet, this requires ...

  14. Client focus

    ... to our customers. What trends and challenges are typical for the paints and coatings segment of the Russian specialty chemicals market? Our key problems are strong seasonality and poor mid- and long-term procurement planning by domestic producers of paints and coatings. High Rouble volatility also puts great pressure on the segment’s profits, resulting in the low quality of after sales services. What is the share of domestic chemicals in your product mix? And what is the share of SIBUR?...

  15. "We are nurturing ambitious goals"

    Mikhail Tovmasyan, CEO of SLT AQUA, shared his experience launching a successful polymeric pipe production startup. How did the idea of producing polypropylene pipes come about? Is this the kind of business that enjoys substantial demand in the market? SLT AQUA is a ...