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  1. PVC film inactivates the coronavirus

    ... and 99.99% within 15 minutes. Alpes’ innovation will be used for packaging meat, fruit, cold cuts and other foods. The technology was developed and licenced by Nanox, a Brazilian company based in São Paulo. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, they decided to see if the material could also eliminate SARS-CoV-2. The film was tested against ISO 21702:2019, the technical standard governing measurement of antiviral activity on plastic and other non-porous surfaces. Samples of the material ...

  2. Six leadership lessons from COVID-19

    ... right thing. Prof Günter K. Stahl, a leadership expert at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, shared with Forbes Life some of the most important leadership lessons to be learned from real-life cases observed at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. Empower those on the front line and don’t punish mistakes. In times of crisis, the biggest mistake for leaders is to try to control everything and over-centralise decision-making. 2. Act fast and decisively. During the coronavirus crisis,...