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  1. Polymer strategy

    ... trend will persist. Major cases SIBUR will be the first to enter the market, with 1.5 mt of ethylene, ca. 500 kt of propylene, 1.5 mt of various grades of polyethylene, and 500 kt of polypropylene. In late May, the Company completed the construction of ZapSibNeftekhim and moved on to the start-up and commissioning stage, said Dmitry Konov, Chairman of the Management Board at SIBUR Holding. The construction was completed in Q2 2019, ahead of the Q4 planned under the schedule. The facility will reach ...

  2. SIBUR PolyLab: Meeting Customer Demand

    ... and develop real applications. For this purpose, PolyLab is fitted with the machinery to simulate key production operations that use SIBUR's existing and yet-to-be-developed polyolefin grades. Polymer tests are growing in importance with the launch of ZapSibNeftekhim. This petrochemical plant in Tobolsk ramps up SIBUR’s polyolefin production capacity threefold, both in terms of physical output and its product range. The injection moulding equipment includes 30, 50 and 150-tonne injection moulding ...

  3. ZapSibNeftekhim goes regional

    SIBUR held round tables on ZapSibNeftekhim pre-marketing with consumers in Russia's Northwestern and Southern federal districts. Each year SIBUR organises events to expand the regional sales network, some of which take place in the main federal districts. In July, the Company ...

  4. Clusters as pockets of growth

    ... heart of the cluster. Its production capacities include NGL fractionation trains, production of LPG, butadiene, isobutylene, PP and MTBE. The cluster's further development will be driven by the construction of a deep hydrocarbon conversion facility – ZapSibNeftekhim. Not only is it SIBUR’s large-scale project in the Tyumen Region, but also the largest petrochemical plant in Russia, which is set to provide feedstock for almost all industries across the country. The development of the West ...

  5. Chinese market: growth potential

    ... 30% of our total polypropylene and polyethylene exports,” said Dmirty Konov, Chairman of the Management Board of SIBUR Holding, when talking to the Xinhua and TASS news agencies. “The Chinese market will come into play even more with the launch of ZapSibNeftekhim, since the new facility's polypropylene and polyethylene products will be largely geared towards China. Two polyethylene grades will be tailor-made to meet the requirements of Chinese manufacturers.” What drives the high demand for petrochemical ...

  6. Interplastica 2019

    ... fair area was 15% larger. New products The company’s stand contained details on all polymer grades manufactured by SIBUR, including polypropylene, polyethylene, BOPP films, polystyrene, PET, and rubbers. New products – in particular, a new ZapSibNeftekhim facility – attracted the greatest interest. “I can’t say it was done specially for the fair, but on 31 January, ZapSibNeftekhim’s production line manufactured its first polypropylene granules,” said Sergey Komyshan, Executive ...

  7. Progress: 99.8%

    ZapSibNeftekhim's polypropylene unit produces first granules. The polypropylene unit at ZapSibNeftekhim is 99.8% complete. Construction and installation works on the process unit are over, and commissioning is underway. In particular, systems are undergoing ...

  8. Efficient solutions for ZapSib

    ... lasting strategic partnership. SIBUR does not only supply polymers to TECHNONICOL which uses it as a key component of its many building materials, it also purchases end products fr om it. One of the examples of their cooperation is the construction of ZapSibNeftekhim, the largest Russian petrochemical facility, wh ere SIBUR uses TECHNONICOL's engineering solutions and waterproofing materials. These include, among other things, roofing and ventilated facades of the off-site facilities as well as fire-resistant ...

  9. Development Award

    ZapSibNeftekhim, SIBUR's flagship project currently under construction, has received an award for significant contribution to the social and economic development of Russia. The petrochemical facility for deep conversion of hydrocarbons into polymers ...

  10. “We continue building new facilities”

    ... industry as a whole. According to Mikhail Karisalov, this is a result of long-term trends for the replacement of conventional materials and the import substitution policy. Russia's polymer landscape will also be greatly impacted by the launch of ZapSibNeftekhim. Its product range will be adjusted to support import substitution to the fullest extent possible and create extra opportunities for the domestic processing companies. After the facility is launched, the share of Russian polyethylene and ...

  11. Our mission is to serve the domestic market

    Sergey Komyshan speaks about the potential importance of ZapSibNeftekhim for the Russian polyolefin market. The launch of ZapSibNeftekhim has been rescheduled from 2020 to 2019. This means that, in the near future, experts believe that the new facility is set to disrupt the domestic polyolefin market... ...

  12. SIBUR: from 1995 to the latest developments

    ... and basic polymers and other petrochemicals processing for the utilities, construction, car, healthcare, packaging and other industries. Every job in petrochemicals generates 4.5 jobs in associated fields. In 2015, SIBUR launched the construction of ZapSibNeftekhim, its biggest-ever project scheduled for completion in 2019. ZapSibNeftekhim is to become Russia’s largest modern petrochemical facility with a 1.5 mtpa ethylene and 2 mtpa polymers capacity. It will almost double SIBUR's polymer output ...

  13. Development trends

    ... Managing Director at SIBUR, spoke about the key trends in the company’s development. He elaborated on the investment projects currently run by SIBUR, accentuating the additional opportunities arising in the SBS and plastics segments. Particularly, ZapSibNeftekhim, Russia’s largest and one of the world’s leading projects, to be completed next year, will not only significantly boost monomer and polymer production, but also provide additional butadiene feedstock for SBS and rubbers facilities....

  14. Planning ahead

    ... the Company as a whole can weather any swings and crises. In 2018, the average rubber price fell below expectations to USD 1,300 per tonne. Do you think the rubber segment is still attractive for the Company to invest in? Of course. Once ZapSibNeftekhim is launched, the Company will be able to produce an additional 100 ktpa of butadiene, a valuable feedstock for synthetic rubbers. Monetising this additional volume is among the targets of our Division. This year, the Company has already ...

  15. Film Festival Grand Prix

    A film by SIBUR won the US International Film & Video Festival award. Destination Tobolsk is devoted to complex logistic solutions used to construct ZapSibNeftekhim. The 30-minute film tells how to organise delivery of oversize cargo from seven countries to SIBUR’s construction site when motor transportation is impossible, a train with the equipment would not fit into a turn, and the Indian Ocean ...